Tips for Making Your Home Appear Harmonious

Tips for Making Your Home Appear Harmonious

A well-blended and put-together home feels peaceful and cohesive. With the right efforts, every piece of furniture inside a room can put a homeowner or even a guest at ease. But what steps do you need to take? Check out these tips for making your home appear harmonious.

Less Is More

A harmonious home is a downsized home. A congested room makes any room or space seem disorganized and discombobulated. Start by taking a good look at every room and space inside the house.

Locate the areas that you can stand to cut back and downsize. Cut out the clutter and strip the space down to the bones. Try and remove everything that isn’t a basic necessity for the room. Don’t throw anything away because you might want to place some of those items back. But first, you need to get to the true essence of every room.

Balance the Scale

Balancing the scale of a room isn’t as complicated as it sounds. It simply means evenly distributed furnishing to both sides of a room. If one corner has a chair, end table, plant, and artwork, think about moving a few items around.

If the room feels off, it might be because one end is barer than the other. Lean on symmetry during these moments and remember its basic rules. Whatever is on one side of the room should reflect the other. You don’t have to make everything perfectly symmetrical, but you should aim to spread items or features throughout the space.

Collect Signature Pieces

Harmonious homes don’t require their furniture and color palettes to match throughout. Different color schemes can still coexist within your home. Just include specific pieces to tie everything together so that things don’t feel misplaced.

For example, a rug is one way to connect rooms with an overall color scheme. Find a rug that includes the two main colors of two different rooms. Place the rug in a location that connects the two rooms together, such as the hallway. It’ll give the impression that everything belongs together.

Group Similar Items Together

Group similar items together, but with a twist. Some of the smaller fixtures and finishes can go in more than one place. For example, if you’re a big flower person, use vases with the same hues or styles for all your flowers.

This way, it’s easy to mentally group the items together while placing them in separate rooms. Plus, doing this is a little more appealing to the eye, and you don’t need to worry about pairing conflicting vases together. They don’t need to be matchy-matchy, either. Finding one similarity and running with it is enough.

It might take a couple of tries, but making your home appear more harmonious is possible—we promise!

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