Tips and Tricks for Selling a Luxury Home

Tips and Tricks for Selling a Luxury Home

When you think of a luxury home, you likely picture an expansive lake house on a waterfront or a mansion in the hills of Calabasas. To sell a home like this, the realtor or seller must be precise in their technique to influence the correct type of buyers to make an offer. Rope in the right buyers with the following tips and tricks.

Photo Quality Over Quantity

If you post photos of the home in poor quality, this will most likely turn many buyers off. You want to pull them in the minute they find your listing. Investing in a professional photographer and taking quality photos will help you in the long run. In addition to still images, virtual tours and videos of the home have increased in popularity, all of which will attract more individuals.

Staging Is Key

You want the buyers to be able to picture themselves in the home the minute you walk through the door. Staging a luxury home is tricky because of the large area you need to cover and because you don’t want to overwhelm the buyers by suffocating them with your style and personality. Hiring a professional will make the process easier because they will know how to optimize the interior to reel in potential buyers.

Focus on What Stands Out

Does the home have a sunroom or feature an infinity pool? Find what makes the property unique and highlight this in your photos, listings, and tours. Extra perks and fancy features are worth noting to buyers because they will pique their interest more.

Sell the Home at the Right Time and Season

The time of year when you sell the home will make or break some offers. A lake house on the water before should not be put up for sale during the winter when snow is on the ground and there isn’t much to see. Be precise and intentional when selling a luxury home; ignoring even the tiny details will negatively impact your success.

Be patient and work with a professional realtor for help in areas where you might lack in the selling process. Not everything will go your way, and there will be give-and-take as bids and offers come in. Highlight the elements of the home that make it stand out among the others on the market, and you’ll find buyers in no time.

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