Can You Have Solar Panels Installed on a Tile Roof?

Can You Have Solar Panels Installed on a Tile Roof?

Many qualified homeowners shy away from having solar panels installed on their roofs due to fear of damage, and rightfully so! No one should have to spend all that money on having solar panels installed only for them to destroy the roof. This fear is most prevalent among homeowners with tile roofs, but is it really as bad as people think? To answer this question, this article will answer whether you can have solar panels installed on tile roofs.

Is My Tile Roof a Candidate for Solar?

In truth, most, if not all, roofing materials can have solar panels installed on them, but the process varies between materials. So long as your roof is in good shape, has a south-facing slope, and is unobstructed, your roof is a candidate for solar panels. And this is true for tile roofs too.

Because roofing tiles like clay and concrete are a little more fragile, you must hire an experienced installer to get the job done right. However, you may want to have some spare tiles handy, as even the gentlest workers will likely break a piece or two during the process.

Will Solar Panels Damage My Tile Roof?

While it’s likely that a few tiles will crack, as long as you have them replaced, your roof should be just fine, and there should be no structural compromises or leaks. Additionally, solar panels themselves don’t cause problems. If issues do occur, they’re likely due to poor installation.

For example, leaks are some of the most common problems that tiles roofs face after solar panel installation. While this can happen due to a cracked tile, an improperly sealed solar mount is also a likely cause. Properly sealed solar mounts are critical on tile roofs, so be sure to check the seal and look for any loose or damaged tiles before your installer leaves.

How Can Solar Panels Be Safely Installed?

Most installation companies will use a method that involves removing all the tiles where the solar panels will lay and replacing them with shingles. Other installers may attach solar racks by either removing individual tiles or cutting into them. However, both methods leave small gaps through which water can pour in.

The best method to safely install these panels on tile roofs is the hook method. With this process, the installer will temporarily remove a few tiles to access a roof joist. Then, they’ll put in a baseplate and a hook with flashing above it to keep out water. Finally, they’ll place the tile on top with only the hook sticking out. The panels will be secure, and you won’t have to worry about leakage.

Ultimately, you can have solar panels installed on a tile roof. All you need is the right company and the right installation method to ensure a proper job the first time.

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