The Luxury of Wine on Tap

Wine on Tap
August 27, 2013

Haven’t heard of wine on tap? If so, you’re not alone. The concept is still foreign to the average beverage connoisseur. In fact, if most people were to walk into their favorite bar or restaurant and notice their wine was being served through a tube, they would do a double-take. However, an increasing number of luxury restaurants and bars across the U.S. are jumping on the trend, and for good…


Greener Than Thou?

Biophilic design
January 22, 2009

by Roberta Murphy Last week, a dear friend quizzed me, asking if I knew the greenest country in the world. Which was greener than the other? Hmmmm….Costa Rica? Australia? Canada? No way. “Sweden,” said she. I had not read the research, but passed the Greener question to another friend the next day. Not one to usually guess at these things, she ventured that New Zealand or Australia would surely top…


A Novel Green Mansion

by Roberta Murphy Any verbiage I add to this photo would probably be superfluous, since this chatty picture already exceeds the expected thousand words. Hats off to someones clever recycling of mobile homes. Not sure if the intent was green construction, but the designer certainly managed to minimize the footprint of this little mobile home park. I also wonder about the relation of people who live here. And what about…

March 14, 2008

A Second Plea–for a Young Widow

Just yesterday afternoon Real Estate Rainmaker Lani Anglin wrote on this blog, and spoke of her grandmother who had sold her home and earthly possessions so she could go help the less fortunate in an African orphanage. This was in response to our underwear plea for children in a Kenya orphanage. Not long after that blog response, April Groves at R.E. Revealed says Lani received word that her younger brother…

September 24, 2007

Off-the-Grid and Low Impact Homes

by Roberta Murphy Several months ago, in an interesting discussion with Marc LaChance, I was introduced to off-the-grid homebuilding. Marc has a plan and the means to build homes where electrical, telephone, gas, water and sewer lines do not run. I saw some early plans for his homes, and was highly impressed with their beauty, functionality and earth-friendliness. It seems when one door opens in the mind, it leads to…

June 24, 2007