Liminal Space: Floating Between Past and Future Tense

Liminal Stage Chrysalis
September 22, 2019

Liminal space–that place in life where you are between what was and what’s next. That strange place resting between where you’ve been and where you’re going. It feels strange, scary and exciting all at once. Becoming a widow can put one into that exact position. So might a job or marital change. It’s not unlike a rite of passage. I was widowed New Year’s Day, 2019. Mike’s death was sudden,…


Alzheimer’s: Inventing a Possibility

October 13, 2018

Years ago, our oldest son Scott and I attended a long weekend with the Landmark Education Forum. I was challenged to take up a personal issue that I was willing to share with a thousand or so people the next day. I couldn’t help but consider Alzheimer’s, the disease that had rocked our family. I went home that night and wrote a letter to my mother, Edith Michelson. It was…


Cryotherapy: Freeze Your Face and Turn Back Time

Cryotherapy for the face
April 24, 2018

by Roberta Murphy Last Christmas, son Scott gave me a series of passes to a cryotherapy center in Del Mar. I would strip down to only underwear, special mittens and insulated socks. Then, I would step into a cubicle and freeze my patootie off for 3 minutes in swirling gases that registered like 180 degrees below zero. It felt like my frozen skin was going to crack and fall off…


Garden Dirt as Anti-Depressant?

Garden Dirt
April 22, 2018

by Roberta Murphy I have always felt such a sense of peace when I am in the garden fooling around with dirt and plants, but never gave it much thought until this morning. I read an article today relating research that confirms my senses: Garden Dirt actually serves as an anti-depressant. And could take the place of Prozac. I don’t suffer from depression and have never taken Prozac, but I…


The Luxury of Weight Loss with HCG Diet

HGC Weight Loss
April 20, 2018

Weight Loss and HCG Nothing tastes as good as thin feels, have said Kate Moss, Tony Robbins and Stephen Covey. Some might also add that Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. Lately, I’ve been feeling pretty good. Weight loss shows me down 12 pounds after 13 days, following the HCG regimen as part of a 30-day program that limits me to 500 calories per day. The following are some…


Luxury of a Comfy Stiletto

February 21, 2016

I demand comfortable shoes, can’t stand anything pinching my feet, but love the idea of the stiletto. Especially ones that are comfortable! Fast Company recently reported on a stiletto designed by someone who put comfort first. It seems Christopher Dixon, an aspiring designer, was hired by Serena Williams to design a clothing line. He asked about the comfort stilettos in Serena’s closet, and she responded as most women would and…


The Luxury of a Perfect Steak

How to cook a perfect steak
March 16, 2015

by Roberta Murphy I love to go the Ruth’s Chris in Del Mar, Donovans in La Jolla and other fine steak houses–and always wonder how they get their perfect steaks. Of course, the meat is prime quality, but I’ve also  heard it’s their 800-degree cooking surfaces that allow the steak to arrive so hot inside. The problem for me is tht I don’t have any surface in my home that even…


Going Paleo and Whole 30

by Roberta Murphy Since last June, I’ve been much pickier (than usual) about the foods I eat. Processed foods have pretty much gone by the wayside as I have migrated to a more Paleo diet with periodic dives into the Whole 30 venture (google for recipes!). I’ve even been called a food snob on more than one occasion–and I take it with good cheer. If not fixing a green smoothie…

January 11, 2015

Life, Change and Personal Power

Life, Change, Personal Power
October 28, 2014

Life can change quickly. Personal power helps. Last night, we returned from Anthony Robbins 4-day “Unleash the Power Within” event in Dallas. I had attended with two of my sons–Scott and Mark–and was open to whatever learning, changes and friendships I might absorb and make. The event delivered on all fronts. As we drove home from the San Diego airport hungry for dinner, we stopped off at Jimbo’s Market and…


The Luxury of Morphing into a Tree

A forest fed with cremated bodies.
March 27, 2014

Instead of a cemetery with headstones, imagine a forest full of lush and beautiful trees with birds twittering above…and all fed by the ashes of our relatives. Imagine the power of just one tree. I am personally not offended and have often suggested to sons and family that my eventual remains be fed to the tomato or kale plants in a garden somewhere. Or perhaps a tree. This cremation idea from…