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Florence Chef

A Florence Adventure

by Roberta Murphy Thompson Last night, Steve and I invited friends over to share a story and a pasta dinner we brought back from Florence, Italy. Well, not exactly the whole dinner, but a Florence adventure that included a kilo of handmade fettuccine and a pan of onion and cheese stuffed raviolis that we transported from Florence back to Reno in a suitcase. Sauces, salad and asparagus sides were made…


Blame it on the Limoncello

We are in Italy again and had another adventure that we can loosely blame on the Limoncello. There was another waiter, this time Amine–instead of Ferdinando. And the location this time is Rome instead of Florence. But something in Limoncello seems to create adventure. When Steve and I first arrived at the Hotel Pulitzer in Rome, we decided to take a long walk and explore our setting and dining possibilities…

Biophilic design

Biophilic Design: A Natural for Your Home

Biophilic Design Trends: Bringing Nature Indoors I love nature, plants, gardening, –and even eating the fruits of my labor. Biophilic Design is a hip term to describe the growing interest in the incorporation of natural elements in our homes and offices. We believe it helps to reconnect the psyche with nature and can even revolutionize the way we think about our living and working spaces. 1. Living Green Walls Living…

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