The Luxury of Morphing into a Tree

A tree fed by a bodyInstead of a cemetery with headstones, imagine a forest full of lush and beautiful trees with birds twittering above…and all fed by the ashes of our relatives. Imagine the power of just one tree.

I am personally not offended and have often suggested to sons and family that my eventual remains be fed to the tomato or kale plants in a garden somewhere. Or perhaps a tree.

This cremation idea from Urbanios has really caught my imagination, though–and just consider the possibilities of a lush green forest with monuments (perhaps) that tell a little about the tree and its benefactor:

“Here lies Roberta Murphy, who now feeds this perennial tree rather than the tomato plants she imagined. She loved her family, parrots, dogs, that alluring garden..and of course, her erratic writing habits.”

Apparently, one’s remains can be deposited into a biodegradable container which also contains a pine seed (or other tree seed). This container can then be planted, where the ashes will help nourish the seedling and eventual tree. Just imagine the possibilities and longevity if a redwood seed were included! That’s what I want.

I’m not totally sure why I am writing this, other than I intend to email this post to husband and sons so that they insure that my remains are nourishing something more substantial than a tomato plant. How about a redwood?

Care to join me in my forest?

by Roberta Murphy

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